World-class shopping world

                                    World-class shopping world Speaking of shopping, but a good place in Chicago. Chicago has been unremitting efforts to build a world-class shopping. From unique boutiques to large shopping centers, Chicago has different tastes from around the world who offer unlimited options. Visitors can even walk around on foot all the downtown shopping district. Abercrombie and fitch conquered all attention
Not well-known in Chicago on the Magnificent Mile shopping is not really up to people. "Magnificent Mile" is a nickname for North Michigan Avenue; this is a Chicago River along Lake Michigan to the total length of nearly 3 kilometers of streets. This grand boulevard, dotted with a series of chic boutiques, is comparable to the Champs Elysees, is a blend of Art Deco and modern design of the street, which the city offers a unique shopping experience is memorable background. No wonder that attracts many of the elites, like Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears, Mel Gibson, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz have been found in this lovely shopping spending. Four shopping malls in the region as a benchmark, to be discovered hundred packed with shops and boutiques.
Water Tower Place, Michigan Avenue, in the "Magnificent Mile" the end is an 8-story, more than 100 stores and restaurants, one-stop shopping. It includes the popular abercrombie and fitch, Gap, Lacoste, banana republic and Marshall Field's.                              6/21/2011 8:36:06 PM
Par hohoge le jeudi 23 juin 2011


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