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Next storyAbercrombie Fitch1892 years, a young man named David Abercrombie in New YorkCity founded the David t. Abercrombie company, the company specialized sales senior outdoor activities and hunting supplies. His clients were some economic wealthy, one of the most loyal, is also a successful lawyer, Ezra fitch. Ezra fitch is in it is a long career life after a lawsuit that boring, and more fun than selling a shotgun. Finally in 1904, his success persuasion don't know how to refuse, let him to join the company abercrombie, from now on the company name from the difficult to pronounce abercrombie into and difficult and long abercrombie & fitch read. But the combination of two people like marriage, everything good general before marriage after marriage nothing will noisy. Abercrombie conservative attitude often drove to the rapid expansion fitch catch crazy. At this time is a&f for wealthy class provide sports suppliers.In 1907, abercrombie finally can't stand, quit the management of the company. But fitch in order to let the company name looks very rap is cool, decided to keep abercrombie "front" part. Fitch finally after can taking the advantage of the expansion of the heart with the company, he against all things will be clean before the principle of ambry, the store's clothes look like socks with two or three times, the way the tents also is dirty, the corner of the store is up a fire. This kind of style to still keep the &f now. Also because of hunting, background, sign is a&f milu deer head. The fire up well, the results not only didn't burn up shop in New York city's fifth avenue store opened flagship, started selling men and women dress movement.In 1913, is the first company &f in New York city sports clothing store sells men and women.  


Par hohoge le jeudi 23 juin 2011


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