Gucci Symbol

Gucci SymbolFrom the beginning of establishment in 1921, Gucci walked is nobility route, and slightly hale style luxury masculinity. In 1947 the hand of bamboo Gucci bag was published, then, bamboo with the abbreviation of classic double name founder mark G, line with red green lace canvas bag and relevant leather goods also appeared in succession, Gucci and LV tied for the world become most often the fake commodities. A bit of ring horse Moccasin shoes for Grace Kelly, and design of the Scarf acted, all well-reputed, wearing Gucci has represents a kind of social status and symbol. Fast growing business of Gucci did not smooth sailing into from the s, after the problem of counterfeit grapples with the interests of the family and in battle, make whole enterprise in the mire of predicament. In 1993, the third generation successor Maurizio will Gucci, selling until former President Domenico De Sole welcomed Tom Ford as the design director to change. Tom Ford said: "talk about the history of Gucci, can't skip a movie star and parties, and no mention of celebrities I want to create this history of the s version." In 1995 Tom Ford models to choose red minimalism yet terribly hot image on the stage show he for Gucci design sexy autumn series. The show was a massive success in the world, triggered panic buying Gucci, Ford change at all Gucci past luxuriant style into sexy, genes, let Gucci almost became the most sexy brand today.  
Par hohoge le jeudi 23 juin 2011


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